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【作者:张教员,编号1991 更新时间:2015-06-23



Good morning, boys and girls! Today is May 30th. The day after tomorrow is June 1st.  Happy __________________ ! (请从下面选项中选择一个正确答案)  
A. Child’s Day            B. Childrens’ Day        C. Children’s Day


Miss Li: Hello, boys and girls!①____________ (我是) Miss Li, your teacher. Welcome to our garden school. This is a map of our school. You see, there is green grass, beautiful flowers, and tall tress here and there.Li Ming: How beautiful!
Miss Li: First, let’s②____________③____________(看一看)No. 1. This is our new school library. Here are many books for our students. And on the first floor, we can have our school Art Day in the very big hall(厅).
Wu Fan: Oh, great! But I am hungry now. Can we have lunch at school?
Miss Li: Yes. This way, please!④____________(在...旁边)the library, No 2 is the canteen.
Wu Fan: Wow, that’s my favorite!Li Ming: But my favorite is sport. Can we play football on the playground?
Miss Li: OK! You can also play basketball in the gym on the⑤____________(第三)floor of No.2 .
Wu Fan: What’s No. 3?
Miss Li: In No.3, you can draw in the art room and sing in the music room⑥____________(和...一起)with your friends after class.
Li Ming: Wow, what a lot of fun at school1 Then where are our classroom?
Miss Li: Look there, those four! You are going to have a class in No. Our⑦____________(老师的)office is on the same floor. This is our school---Xi’an Gao Xin No.1 Middle School.Li Ming&Wu Fan: Thanks, Miss Li! We are very happy to study here! Bye!
Miss Li: Bye!


                 pictures  lovely   on   spring  
    Apr 18th was a special day for us, because we had a _________ outgoing. In the morning, we came to the Qinglong Temple. In the park, there were many beautiful cherry blosssoms(樱花)and _________ birds. Everyone took lots of _________ with them. Some of us sat _________ the grass, and some climbed the artificial hills(假山). In the afternoon, we came back to school. All of us were happy, although we felt tired. We think this trip is funny and unforgettable(难忘的)


1. -- David, who is that boy? -- _________ is my brother, Rick. 
     A.She          B.He         C.Him
2.--Thank you for helping me with my math. -- _________ 
    A.Goodbye.     B.I;m sorry.    C.You’re welcome.
3.-- Do you like playing basketball? -- _________ I often play it with my friends. 
    A.Yes, I do.     B.No, I don’t.   C.I don’t know
4.--Mary, What did you do last Sunday? -- Alice, I _________ (打扫) our house with my mother.
5.-- Mum, will you please buy three _________(铅笔) for me? -- Ok, Linda.


(Zhang Peng and Mike are on the way home)
Zhang: What are you going to do after school?
Mike: I want _________(buy)some red cross. _________(be)there a flower shop near here?
Zhang: Yes, there is one next to the Bank of China.
Mike: How can I get there?Zhang: It’s not far from here. You can get there on _________(feet). Walk straight for three minutes. Then turn left. You can find it on _________ (you) right. By the way, is your mother’s birthday coming?
Mike: No, it isn’t. Father’s Day is coming.
Zhang: Really? When is Father’s Day?
Mike: It’s on the _________(three) Sunday of June. I always _________(cook) breakfast for my parents in the morning. I also make a card or buy a gift for him.
Zhang: You’re great. I _________(make) a card for my dad this year. See you !
Mike: See you!
二.根据对话内容,完成下列各题1. What does Mike do for his father on Father’s Day?  ________________________________________________________________
2. What is your father like?  ________________________________________________________________
3.List(列举) two holidays you know.  ______________________  _________________________
4.假如你是张鹏,请为爸爸写上一句祝福语  ________________________________________________________________



  1. 刘老师 尚无职称等级 英语
  2. 王教员 兰州交通大学 供热通风与空调工程
  3. 李老师 小学二级教师 英语
  4. 李教员 西安电子科技大学 网络与信息安全专业
  5. 臧教员 西安外事学院 生物医学工程
  6. 陈教员 西安科技大学 信息与计算科学
  7. 刘教员 西安音乐学院 音乐教育
  8. 高教员 陕西师范大学 数学与应用数学专业
  9. 张老师 尚无职称等级 日语